People wassup! I've not been blogging for a while because i've been tied up with stuff. You know now, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I am back, better, and more daring (the tittle of this blog is a testimony o).
So what's the issue today? The issue is guys and their INFANTILE REGRESSION PROBLEM. Guys and their obsession with boobs. It's funny you know, when a guy is a baby he gets to be breastfed for about a year, he gets to savour his dear mother's milk everytime he whimpers, and even wails loudly when he his denied. When he eventually becomes a big boy he still cannot stop fantasizing about boobs. Isn't that Infantile Regression?
If you think am lying, watch out for a group of guys discussing, they could have been discussing the unending rivalry between Arsenal and Manchester United or the current political drama in the House of Representatives featuring Madam Patricia Etteh, but as soon as a hot babe walks past, the discussion instantly changes to the size of her boobs. Isn't that Infantile Regression?
My friend BJ was gisting me recently of all the qualities a girl has to have before he can date her, and top on his list was huge boobs so that he can have something to lay his head incase he gets tired of the pillow or the duvet. Na wa o! Girls, should guys grow up or what?
I heard this joke about a brother who met this sister in church, he dated her for a few months and they got married. His major reason of marrying the sister was because he thought she had huge boobs. Behold on the wedding night! the brother discovers the sister has been wearing padded bras to cover up for not exactly huge boobs. Men! the brother didn't find it funny o. I wonder if he would now tell her to go and do a breast enlargement or something. Nonsense!
Now, this is my issue. Guys, a relationship shouldn't be about the boobs but more about the heart. Let's focus more on the contents than the container.
I know some guys are getting ready to argue this issue. I welcome your views.
And just incase you think this blog is about advocating for ladies with small boobs, or that it applies to me, then you are kidding yourself.
Holla Back.
Luv always.
I don't really think that boobs are that big an issue. They play a relatively itty-bitty role in relationships. Boobs are relegated to providing enough armory for first-impressions and that's where it ends (ends?). I mean I have never ever seen a man who refused to divorce his adulterous wife because of her humongous funbags.
As for fellas and the obsession with boobs, everybody's got preferences although most men would lean towards well-rounded boobs. These are a beauty accessory just the way earrings are (arguably).
But on second thoughts, boobs are, will be, have always been awe-inspiring to me. Ah! Laterz
Thanks Bukola for that message. I feel glad.Now you got me here, l would be hooked on ya page. The boobs things is funny but it depends on the guy. Some guys are seriously obsessed with boobs. Ah, they want the big milkshakes.lol but it depends you know. I guess this is your second post. Nice blog. Keep it up. l will be back.
I never knew this blog existed,you have great skills and funny skits. AM coming back Busola. later girl.
I know you and I know that this blog dose not apply to you. I have always wondered myself ... Why are men so intrigued by a piece of flesh that after a while will not look as good as it used to? A big boob for me is not a prerequisite for love. It’s just like saying I will not go out with a girl unless she has big cheeks! Its absurd isn't it? Like the picture you have on your blog when men gets love upside down they will go for a girl with big boobs as against real love. Having said all these I guess its just about being a man. I find myself guilty of some of the incidents mentioned on your blog. Its fascinating seeing someone with something I don’t have and I am sure it’s the same with the opposite sex. We have something that is long and hot that will fascinate any girl if they have the chance to see it
I thought African men were more butt counscious. I have never dated a boob man before - so I don't know.
Men will always have their wants etc..
wow! never heard of bukenzo bkmarking u now
meanwhile tell me about it! (as per ur post - hiss)
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